VoIP Migration
Quite a few companies are undecided and without a mirgation strategy regarding the ISDN switch off in 2025.
There is absolutely no question about the "switch off" happening and we seem to be receiving more correspondance and marketing concerning this event.
If budget or circumstance doesn't allow implementation of a new VoIP system, then Legacy Telecom can offer a very cost effective solution that will allow your business to start saving immediately in preparation for the ISDN switch off.
See enclosed links for more information:
Legacy Telecom can offer UK businesses VoIP technology to use with existing "on premise" hardware.
We're really excited about the opportunities that will deliver a VoIP solution through our partnership with Sangoma.
Installing a VoIP gateway with your current hardware will take the financial pressure off migrating to a new system and when the "ISDN switch off" does arrive, you will be VoIP enabled and it will be business as usual.
Once your Sangoma VoIP gateway is installed, current infrastructure will emulate VoIP protocol, allowing your business to benefit financially from terminating costly ISDN circuits.
For over 30 years Sangoma have delivered network solutions across the globe making their products synonymous with quality IT technologies.
If your're a Small Medium Enterprise, public or private organisation with the pressure to save money or you haven't planned a VoIP strategy, talk to one of the team who can offer expert advise with no obligation to proceed.
Call now on 01942 686 260 or email sales@legacytelecom.co.uk
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