Tougher and more Durable Headsets

Headset Problem - Same Old Same Old
Introducing KEVLAR Products.
Regardless of brand, one of the most common problems with wired headsets seems to be the durability of the cordage - both with the QD Lead and the headset itself.
Headset users tend to inadvertently twist the QD Lead whilst going about their daily routine. It's comparable to doodling with a pen and paper and the continual daily twisting will impact and eventually compromise the product along with invalidating the warranty.
It is difficult to police users especially when the trait is almost deemed as human nature, however, one effective solution is to introduce KEVLAR technology. This provides durability and a more flexible, stronger product.
Introducing Xenexx Headsets
We're very happy to offer the xenexx range of wired headsets and QD Leads as part of our portfolio, the xenexx headsets are a noise cancelling device and they are manufactured with KEVLAR technology. Click here for more information on the xenexx range or simply call one of the team on 08456 777 400.
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